Welcome to the whiskey-fueled ranting of a Portlander-for-life and a recent inductee hailing from Seattle, WA. It is highly unlikely that you will find anything of value, and not a single word written here should be taken seriously. You WILL however find biased opinions, drunken banter and the pure, unadulterated rage from two Northwest culinarians. Enjoy.

10 January 2013

My Sweet Charlie Boy

This is not a post about a bar or drinking (though I did annihilate a bottle of R&R to squash my sorrow)
but a tribute to my sweet dear kitty who had to be put to sleep last night. I won't go in to the exact gruesome details of what happened but at he had a blockage in his urinary tract that had caused other organs to start to fail and shut down. He was hypothermic and the doctors didn't believe he would make it through the night. It was well before his time and barely nine years old. My best friend Marco had taken my Charlie in before I moved down to school and had been living with him and my other best friend Katie for some time now. I'm so glad that he was with them during his last moments and I know that this is a loss to their family as well.

Charlie had a rough go of it his first few years, pretty similar to myself actually. He was my grandmother's cat  but would come and stay at my parents house when she was in the hospital or with her brother in Nebraska. This happened more often then not and it was hard on Charlie to keep going back and forth. It would always take him a day or two to readjust and he got more and more skittish every time. We finally took him in permanently and Charlie was home. When he was a kitten his little heart shaped nose and bright green eyes took up his whole face, his ears were the biggest thing on his body, and his paws gave us a very good idea of exactly how large he would become. With a gentle soul and the sweetest heart he became a gentle giant. He lacked in grace and typical feline abilities, he always landed his jumps a little splayed, but he loved his people and was always down for a good cuddle. Unaware of his size and stature, he was scared of his own shadow and had to be left to grow comfortable on his own time. (It took him 6 months to get used to Marco and Katie's and stop hiding in the basement of their house.) He was one of the most adorable and lovable cats I've ever had and known and he will always have his own place in the middle of my heart.

1 comment:

  1. oh buddy! i'm sorry! I like that you celebrated him in this way!
