Welcome to the whiskey-fueled ranting of a Portlander-for-life and a recent inductee hailing from Seattle, WA. It is highly unlikely that you will find anything of value, and not a single word written here should be taken seriously. You WILL however find biased opinions, drunken banter and the pure, unadulterated rage from two Northwest culinarians. Enjoy.

09 January 2013

My Headache Reminds Me Of Giant Jenga


Monday night struck again and Dustin and I decided we needed to do homework, aka come up with more content for our booze-soaked blog. With a mission of whiskey and pool we stumbled to the Triple Nickel on 36th and Se Belmont. Walking in to hardwood floors, a wooden bar, and wood pillars, you're confronted with slopping floors and darkened walls covered with smoking and booze related memorabilia. The bartender was friendly and with a bemused smile poured our stiff shots of liquid therapy. The well of choice was Broker's Whiskey and for $2.50 its vanilla backlash did us just fine.

Strapped with a $10 pitcher of PBR, we sauntered off to a pool table in the corner fit for our commiserating needs. The bar itself has four pool tables and also four dart boards set on a level below the tables. After several games of pool, one of which I actually won, and a few pitchers later, I was off in search of the little girls room. Walking down a ramp to find the door which states, "Girl's Rule" and has an image of a girl next to a guy with his head falling off, I stumbled in. Now I would like to point out that the stumbling was not so much due to my inebriation but more to do with the sloped hallway you have to walk down to actually enter the bathroom. Having absolutely no warning that this was ahead of me left me slightly alarmed and I can see this posing an issue for several other drunken females.

After going through this traumatic experience, we figured we needed some fresh air to go with our nicotine so we stepped outside to the tables and benches the line the front of the bar. The front boasts about 5-6 picnic style tables, mostly undercover from the treacherous northwestern mood swings. Once my cohort and I had sufficiently chain-smoked our ideal amount we downed another shot and re-upped on beer. Shortly after another game, we were approached by a little lady in search of another team for the bar's Giant Jenga. The set is made out of pieces of 2x4 and have been lovingly adorned by the bars inhabitants. Involved in conversation with our counterparts, Nurse Jamie and Silent Brother, we successfully managed to play the game for about 30 minutes before I tumbled our leaning tower of wood. Nurse Jamie spied two of the bar's jello shots left behind on a random table and decided that they were up for grabs. In attempts to stop her from swallowing what we were sure to be roofied leftovers, Force and I bought a round of celebratory Jenga jello shots. The dollar shots come with choices; tequila or vodka. My hatred of all things vodka led me to a tequila lime shot which even after a night of pouring whiskey down my gullet left me a little pucker-faced. After one more bad decision jello shot, we decided to call it a night, leaving Nurse Jamie and Silent Brother to torment the ears of the other bar flies left over from the night.
All in all, a very successful night and a place to revisit.

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